For the STEM programs, all students have to participate in lab experiences, both in the curriculum for your plan, but also, we have a expectation for experiential learning. Participation in lab-based experiences and authentic hands-on learning is so important to being able to leave the undergraduate education prepared. So we do have a lot of great lab space, and HU was super supportive and getting us the newest technology as well. So we recently have just added on some new instrumentation here. So the students can actually use things that are being used in the field. For my research project, the quality of the equipment that we do have in our laboratories. Not only did it help in making it possible, but it made it much easier in conducting my experiments. With access to the equipment and facilities at the university, students are really able to broaden their horizons. They're able to work on relevant, authentic, real-world questions that are allowing them to expand their understanding and to be able to ask questions that matter.